Game Updates
Ravenhill: Hidden Mystery. Update 2.23.0: Time Devourer
Update 2.23.0 is finally here! Explore the Clock Workshop!
A famous clocksmith has gone missing in Ravenhill. Help Sirius conduct an investigation and find out about the strange creature roaming the streets of the city.
In this update:
- 3 new chapters, 180 new quests, and 30 collections!
- Time Devourer event: explore the Clock Workshop and catch a magical creature that plays with time
- Find all the differences in a new event: Two Peas in a Pod!
- Check out the improved system for visiting friends
- Hurry and take part in the special Happy Hour event
- Get exclusive rewards for inviting friends to the game
- The Store and Inventory are now even easier to use—see for yourself!